This site is the property of CASTEL company whose address is:
ZAC de la Ronde
10 route du Bois de la Casse
49680 Neuillé
The contents of the site include the general structure, the text, the files, the animated and non-animated images as well as the sound elements and videos which are part of the site. Any total or partial presentation/reproduction of this site or its content without the prior authorisation of its owner CASTEL is prohibited and will be penalised under articles L335-2 of the Intellectual Property Code.
Any reproduction of the contents of the site in any format for collective or professional use, even internally, is prohibited. The same applies to any communication of the contents by electronic means, including by broadcasting over the internet or extranet of companies or local authorities; the only exceptions are reproduction for storage with the aim of bringing up the information on a single work station, or the making of a single copy, as a backup copy or paper version. For any other use, a request for authorisation must first be made to the owner of the site. The violation of these dispositions might trigger the responsible person’s civil and criminal liabilities provided by the Law French law.
To put a link to our site, to reproduce a part of the contents (text, graphics, illustrations, files, etc.) in electronic format (web, intranet, USB drive, etc.) appearing on the site, please send your request by email or post to:
ZAC de la Ronde
10 route du Bois de la Casse
49680 Neuillé
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We would ask you to please specify the context, the duration, the nature of the site, and the expected presentation. Please also specify your name, the name of your association or company, the URL address of your site, and your contact details, including your email.